The Mystic Academy is a great place to learn and gain experience. If you are new to Mystic Adventure, you should read everything in the first few rooms and follow any instructions. You will also want to wander through the Library and read stuff there.

The Cages are a great place to gain your first 6 or so levels. After that, the Training Ground is good experience for levels 6-12. The Dungeon contains aggressive monsters, and you should not go in there alone until you have go to at least level 12.

         v                 /|
        /                 + + +         +    2 Library
        |                   |/         /    /
     +  |              +----W---------+----+
     |  |                   |         |
     +  |                   +    T----+----L 3
     |  |                             |
+    +  |                             +   3 Cosy Fireside
|    |  |                             |  /    Chat
+    + /     Monster                  + C
|    |v      Cages                    |/
+----P----+                           +-<-- ENTRANCE
     |\            a                  o
     + \      +    ^        1     1   | 1     1     1                        1
     |  \     |    o       /     /    v/     /     /                        /
     +   +-o--+-x>-+      +-----+-----+-----+-----+         +----+----+----+
     |   |                |     |     |     |     |         |
     +   S                | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1       |
                          |/    |/    |/    |/    |/        |
                          +-----+-----+-----+-----+         +----+----+----+
                          |     |     |     |     |                        |
                          | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1   | 1                      |
                          |/    |/    |/    |/    |/                       |
                          +-----+-----+-----+-----+         +----+----+----+
         Training Ground  |     |    o|     |     |         |
         (Lower Level)    | 1   | 1 / | 1   | 1   | 1       |
                          |/    |/  | |/    |/    |/        |
                          +-----+---=-+-----+-----+         +----+----+----+
                          |     |   | |     |     |                       /
                          | 1   | 1 | | 1   | 1   | _____________________/
                          |/    |/  | |/    |/    |/
                          +-----+---=-+-----a-----+             Training Ground
                                    |                           (Upper Level)
                          |     |   | |     |     |
                          |     |   | |     |     |
                          |     |   | |     |     |
                  Dungeon |     |   | |     |     |
                          |     |   \ |     |     |
                          |     |    o|     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |
                          |     |     |     |     |

Links to other areas are marked as follows:

1 = To Your Temple
2 = Mud School 2 and 3 - Library {all}
3 = Odds & Ends {1-20}

The exits marked 1 will lead to your character's Temple (recall site). Depending on your character's race, your temple will be in either AkaikikuAnasaziNew AtlantisKraig's KeepNew Mega City OneMilarborMydgaardNew OlympusQuebecThe ShireStratz or Thrull.

You can change to a different temple city later if you want to - type "HELP TEMPLE" from within the game for more information about how to do it.

T = Training (raise your stats)
L = Practicing (practice skills after you Level)
P = Priest (heals and blesses you for free)
S = Store (buy food, water, and light here)
W = Weapon Store (replace your weapon if you lose it)
C = Newbie Chest (look for equipment here)


Entering the room marked "a" near the cages will place you at point "a" on the southern edge of the training ground. This is a one-way route.

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps