Mystic Adventures has more than 60 races. Players have a choice of both their main and subrace. Main races include Human, Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Merfolk, Minotaur, Ogre, Orc, Sprite, Troll, Giff, Gnoll, and Lizard man

The following information is also contained in the online race help file. You can see it while playing by typing HELP NEWRACE. It should give you enough information to pick a race and subrace. Before you actually start playing though, it would be a good idea to create a level 1 character and use the SLIST and PLIST commands to see what has changed with the older classes and new races.


  • (mod): Immediate modifications made to the stats rolled.
  • (max): Maximum of each stat when trained and boosted with eq.
  • (p/t): Per Tick. ie: bonus or penalty on the regeneration at each tick
  • c/m : Cost/Mana. ie: bonus or penalty on the mana cost of spells
  • ali : Alignment restriction on character creation. During play one can be of any alignment, the choice you make is your starting align. (A=all, E=evil, N=neutral, G=good)

The rest is pretty much self-explanatory.


Humans are the typical, average race, possessing no advantages or disadvantages.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Human  (mod) 0 0 0 0 0 (mod) 0 0 0 0 0 none 
(max) 22 22 22 22 22 (p/t) 0 0 0
Plainsman (mod) 0 -1 -1 +1 +1 (mod) +1 -1 +2 +5 +10 none 
(max) 22 21 21 23 23 (p/t) +2 -3 +1


Elves are slender and fragile, yet agile, dextrous creatures. They possess the ability to see in the dark, called infravision and some possess 'water breath', the ability to breathe underwater. 

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Grey  (mod) -1 +1 0 +1 -1 (mod) -2 +1 +1 0 -10 NG infravision 
(max) 21 23 22 23 20 (p/t) -4 +2 +1
Half-Elf (mod) -1 0 0 +1 0 (mod) 0 0 +1 +5 0 infravision 
(max) 21 22 22 23 21 (p/t) -1 0 +1
Wild (mod) +1 -1 0 +1 -1 (mod) 0 -2 +1 0  +10 N infravision
(max) 23 21 22 23 22 (p/t) 0 -3 +2
Aquatic (mod) 0 0 0 +1 -1 (mod) -1 0 +1 +5 0 G infravision, water breath
(max) 22 22 22 23 21 (p/t) -2 0 +4
Drow (mod) 0 +1 +1 +1 -2 (mod) -3 +3 +2 0 -15 E infravision
(max) 22 23 23 23 20 (p/t) -5 +5 +3
High (mod) -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 (mod) -1 +1 +1  0 -10 infravision
(max) 21 23 23 23 20 (p/t) -2 +2 +3
Avariel (mod) -1 0 +1 +1 -1 (mod) -3 +1 +5 -10 0 G infravision, fly
(max) 21 22 23 23 20 (p/t) -3 +2 +10


Dwarves are a short, sturdy and strong race - typically high in constitution and lower in intelligence. Most dwarves possess infravision.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Hill  (mod) 0 0 0 0 +2 (mod) +2 -2 -5 +5 +15 NG infravision
(max) 23 22 22 22 24 (p/t) +3 -5 +5
Mountain (mod) 0 -1 0 0 +2 (mod) +5 -5 -5 0 +15 NG infravision
(max) 23 21 22 22 24 (p/t) +6 -7 +5
Derro (mod) 0 0 0 +2 +1 (mod) +1 -3 -1 -10 +20 E infravision
(max) 22 22 22 24 24 (p/t) +3 -8 +3
Duergar (mod) 0 0 +1 0 +1 (mod) +1 -1 -1 -5 +5 VE infravision
(max) 22 22 23 22 24 (p/t) +3 -5 +3
Gully (mod) -2 -5 -3 +6 +1 (mod) +1 -8 0 -70 +40 A none
(max) 20 17 19 25 24 (p/t) +2 -10 0


Gnomes are a smaller cousin of darves, typically highly intelligent but low in strength. 

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Rock (mod) -1 +1 0 +1 -1 (mod) -1 +1 +3 0 0 NG none
(max) 20 23 22 23 22 (p/t) -2 +2 +3
Svirfneblin (mod) -1 0 +1 +1 0 (mod) 0 0 +8 -10 0 G infravision, detect hidden
(max) 20 22 23 23 22 (p/t) 0 +1 +8
Tinker (mod) -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 (mod) -1 +1 +3 -5 0 NG infravision
(max) 20 23 22 23 22 (p/t) -2 +2 +3
Forest (mod) -2 +1 +1 0 0 (mod) 0 +2 +1 0 -7 NG sneak, hide
(max) 19 23 23 22 22 (p/t) 0 +4 +2


Halflings are a highly dextrous race of typically good alignment. Their physical appearance is that of a human child with long ears.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Hairfoot (mod) -1 0 0 +2 0 (mod) 0 0 0 -5 -5 G detect evil
(max) 21 22 22 24 22 (p/t) 0 +2 0
Tallfellow (mod) 0 0 0 +2 0 (mod) 0 0 0 -20 +10 G detect evil
(max) 22 22 22 24 22 (p/t) +1 0 0
Stout (mod) -1 0 +1 +2 0 (mod) -1 0 0 -20 +5 G detect evil, infravision
(max) 21 22 23 24 22 (p/t) -2 +1 0
Brownie (mod) -2 +2 +1 +2 -2 (mod) -4 +4 -9 -20 -5 VG none
(max) 20 24 23 24 20 (p/t) -4 +7 -9


Merfolk are similar to humans but live beneath the water and possess 'water breath', the ability to breath underwater.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
River (mod) 0 0 0 0 0 (mod) 0 0 0 -15 0 A water breath
(max) 22 22 22 22 22 (p/t) 0 0 0
Saltwater (mod) +1 -1 -1 +1 0 (mod) 0 -2 0 -15 +10 A water breath
(max) 23 21 21 23 22 (p/t) 0 -3 0


Half man and half bull, these large creatures are slow and tend to be stronger than humans. They vary somewhat depending on what variety they are, being slightly larger or slightly more magical than average.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Minotaur (mod) +2 -2 +1 -2 0 (mod) 0 -1 +5 +5 +5 E none
(max) 24 19 23 21 22 (p/t) 0 -3 +5
Satyr (mod) 0 +1 +1 -1 +1 (mod) +1 +1 +5 -30 0 N infravision
(max) 22 23 23 21 23 (p/t) +2 +2 +5


This typically evil race possesses great strength at the expense of any sizable intelligence.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Ogre (mod) +3 -4 -3 -3 +1 (mod) +3 -4 -2 +5 +35 E none
(max) 25 19 19 19 23 (p/t) +2 -8 -4
Merrow (mod) +2 -3 -2 -2 +1 (mod) +3 -4 -3 +10 +20 E water breath
(max) 24 19 20 20 23 (p/t) +5 -6 -8
Ogre Mage (mod) +1 -2 -1 -2 +2 (mod) +2 -1 -3 +10 +15 E none
(max) 23 20 21 20 24 (p/t) +3 -3 -5
Half-Ogre (mod) +2 -1 -1 -2 +1 (mod) +1 -1 -2 0 +30 EN none
(max) 24 21 21 20 23 (p/t) +2 -3 -1
Ogrillon (mod) +2 -3 -2 -3 +1 (mod) +2 -3 -2 +10 +20 E none
(max) 24 19 20 19 23 (p/t) +1 -5 -2


Like Ogres, Orcs are a strong, dump, and inherently evil race.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Orc (mod) +1 -1 -1 -2 +1 (mod) +2 -1 -1 +5 +10 E none
(max) 23 21 21 20 23 (p/t) +1 -2 -1
Orog (mod) +2 -1 -1 -2 +2 (mod) +4 -2 -1 -5 +20 E none
(max) 24 21 21 20 24 (p/t) +2 -4 -1
Half-Orc (mod) +1 0 0 -1 0 (mod) 0 0 0 0 0 N none
(max) 23 22 22 21 22 (p/t) +1 -1 0
Bugbear (mod) +2 -1 0 -2 +2 (mod) +3 -1 -5 -25 +15 E infravision
(max) 24 21 22 20 24 (p/t) +3 -3 -5
Goblin (mod) -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (mod) -1 -1 0 +10 +5 E call tribe
(max) 21 21 21 21 21 (p/t) -2 -2 0
Kobold (mod) -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 (mod) -2 -2 0 +30 +15 E call tribe
(max) 20 20 20 20 20 (p/t) -4 -4 0
Hobgoblin (mod) +1 +1 0 0 0 (mod) 0 +1 0 -20 +15 E none
(max) 23 23 22 22 22 (p/t) 0 +2 0
Urd (mod) -1 -1 -1 -2 -1 (mod) -1 -1 +10 +20 +5 E infravision, fly
(max) 21 21 21 20 21 (p/t) -2 -2 +10


Sprites are small woodland creatures, possessing high wisdom and low strength. They are typically of good alignment.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Sprite (mod) -2 0 +2 +1 0 (mod) 0 0 +3 0 0 G fly
(max) 20 22 24 23 22 (p/t) -2 +1 +3
Sea Sprite (mod) -2 0 +1 +1 -1 (mod) -1 +1 0 0 0 G water breath
(max) 20 22 23 23 21 (p/t) -4 +2 0
Pixie (mod) -2 +1 +1 +1 0 (mod) 0 +1 +4 0 -5 G fly
(max) 20 23 23 23 22 (p/t) -2 +2 +4
Nixie (mod) -2 0 +1 0 0 (mod) 0 0 +2 0 -5 G fly, water breath
(max) 20 22 23 22 22 (p/t) -2 +1 +2
Dryad (mod) -3 +1 +2 +1 +1 (mod) +1 +1 0 -15 -5 G charm monster
(max) 19 23 24 23 23 (p/t) 0 +2 0


Trolls are a very strong evil race, with high strength and con. They regain health at an increased rate, however they cannot flee. Trolls are well suited for Warriors and other physical classes. 

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Troll (mod) +2 -2 -2 -2 +3 (mod) +5 -5 0 -10 +10 E no flee, infravision
(max) 24 20 20 20 25 (p/t) +12 -8 0
Ettin (mod) +2 -1 -2 -1 +1 (mod) +2 -4 0 -10 +10 E no flee, infravision
(max) 24 20 20 20 23 (p/t) +6 -5 0
Water (mod) +1 -2 -2 0 +2 (mod) +3 -6 0 -15 +15 E no flee, water breath
(max) 23 20 20 22 24 (p/t) +7 -8 0
Desert (mod) +1 -2 -1 -3 +4 (mod) +8 -5 0 -10 +10 E no flee
(max) 23 20 21 19 25 (p/t) +16 -8 0
Giant (mod) +4 -3 -2 -1 +1 (mod) +3 -9 0 -20 +35 E no flee, infravision
(max) 25 19 20 21 23 (p/t) +8 -10 0
Ice (mod) +1 -1 0 -1 +1 (mod) +2 +3 0 -15 +5 E no flee
(max) 23 21 22 21 23 (p/t) +6 +5 0


Giffs are a strong, dumb race of bird-like creatures. They have an incredibly hard time learning new skills and spells.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Giff (mod) +4 0 0 0 0 (mod) 0 0 0 -55 0 none 
(max) 25 22 22 22 22 (p/t) 0 0 0


This evil race is comparable to humans, with slightly greater strength and lower intelligence.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Gnoll  (mod) +1 -1 0 0 0 (mod) 0 0 0 0 0 none 
(max) 23 21 22 22 22 (p/t) 0 0 0
Flind (mod) +2 0 0 -1 0 (mod) 0 0 0 -20 0 none 
(max) 24 22 22 21 22 (p/t) -4 -4 -4

Lizard Man

Lizard men have no clear-cut strengths or weaknesses, and live primarily in underground dwellings.

Name   STR INT WIS DEX CON   hp man mov prac c/m ali abilities
Lizard Man (mod) 0 -1 0 0 +1 (mod) +2 0 0 0 0 N none
(max) 22 21 22 22 23 (p/t) +3 +1 -4
Triton (mod) +1 -1 +1 0 -1 (mod) -1 0 0 +10 +5 EN water breath
(max) 23 21 23 22 21 (p/t) -2 0 -2
Troglodyte (mod) 0 -1 +2 0 -1 (mod) -2 0 0 +15 -5 E none
(max) 22 21 24 22 21 (p/t) -1 +3 -4