A mysterious underground temple city where duergar dwarves and drow elves live side by side uneasily.

           +                                                           +--1 Reach
           x                                                           x    Road
 +         +                         +-----------+                     +               /-<-18c
  o        |                        o             \                    |               \
   +---+---+-------+---+---+---+---+               +----+------+-------+---+---+---+    v    +
   |       |       |       |       |               |           |           |       |     \  / 
   |       |   13  +---+   |       |               |           +-----S     +       +---+-/-+
   +       |   x       |   |       |               +           |    ^      |       |       |
   |   14-x+---+       +   +       +               |           | 18d   +   |       +   5   +
   |           |       |   |       |               |           |       |   |       |   x   |
   +---+  15-x-+-x-16  |   |       |               +       R---+       +-x-+---+   +---+---+
       |^      |       |   |       |   Immortal    |           |           |       |       |
Marin. + 14 17x+   8---+---+---+---+   Graveyard   |           |           |       |       |
Cove   |       |       |       |   |       10      +---+---+---+---+-o-4   +       |   +---+
9--+---+---+---+---+---+       +   +   +   |       |           |           |       |  /|   |
   |       |       |   |           |   |   |       |           |           |       | / x   |
   |       |       6   +           +   +---+---S   +           +---+-------+---+---+ | +   |
   |       |           |           |   |   |       |           |   |               | |     |
   +   7---+           |           |   +   +       +           +   +       3       | \     +
   |       |           |           |       |       |           |           x       |  ^    |
 + |       |       +---+-------+---+       |       |           |           +---+---+   18e | +
  \|       |       |                       |       |           |                   |       |/
   +---+---+---+---+-------------------+---H---+---+---+---+---+                   +---+---+
                                          /|    ^          |
                        Newbie Cottage 12+ |     18b       +
                                           |               o  
                       Mystic Academy 11---@---P           + 
                                          /^               | 
                      Tunnels Under City 2 |               S

1 = Raven's Reach Road {all}
2 = Stratz - Tunnels Under City {1-70}
3 = Stratz - Guards' Barracks {1-70}
4 - Stratz - Stalagmite {1-70}
5 = Stratz - City Council {1-70}
6 = Stratz - Temple Bolsik {1-70}
7 = Stratz - Arena {1-70}
8 = Stratz - Tomb {1-70}
9 - Mariner's Cove {All}
10 = Immortal Graveyard {5-20}
11 = Mud School 1 - Mystic Academy {all}

12 = The Newbie Cottage {1-17}

13 = Stratz - House Kr'rzinth (lower floor) {1-70}

14 = Stratz - House Ty'zlik (path to the house) {1-70}

15 = Stratz - House Ud'Srein {1-70}

16 = Stratz - House Esuinaz {1-70}
17 = Stratz - House Ul'Vitias {1-70} 

18 - stratz library ()1-70)

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps

Resident Clans

Folx of the North, also known as IceFolx (former clan)


Beware, some of the residents are aggressive to visitors!