On the Iridescent River, near the Prism, is a small, very prosperous
village of gnomes. The village revolves around a busy market area and the
nearby mines, and is overseen by a benevolent king. Although friendly, the
gnomes are guarded, and gaining their trust is the only way to discover the
true depths of their generosity.

                       +----+    +                             +
                       |         |                             |
            +-----+----+--x-+----+                             +    +    +
           /      |    |         |                            /|    |    |
          /       +    +----+    +                           + +    +----+----+
         /                       |                             |    |      
        +--x-+-o--+    +    +----+----+    +              +----+----+----+----+
             |         |         |         |              |    |    |    |    |
        +--o-+-o--+    +---------+---------+----+----+----+    +    +    +    +
             |                   |         |                   |         |    |
   +--x-+--o-+-o--+         +----+         +              +----+----+    +    +
    \        o                   |            Miden'nir        |         |    |
     +       +    +----+    +----+----+         2         +----+----+    +    +
     |            |              |              o              |
     |       +----+    +----+----+  Iridescent  +              +
| | | | River | +----+ + 1----+----+----1 | \ | Iridescent /| | +-----+----+ River 3 +--------------+

1 = Iridescent River {all}
2 = Miden'nir {5-15}

3 = The Newbie Cottage {1-17}

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps