The Air Citidel is a high level area located at the top of the temple in Ofcol. This area is another fine creation of Shantyr, who modeled the layout as a fairy-land style castle, with 4 corner spires surrounding a central spire. Each of the 4 outer towers has a basement of sorts, and the first two levels are a maze of sorts, with the edge rooms looping back on themselves.


This area should only be attempted by level 90+ characters as even the smallest mob is quite difficult. One mob, the Griffon, reportly has a damroll of 2400. Personal experience has shown this to be likely as my level 99 cleric took 4400 damage, through sanc, in 2 hits (not rounds).

The mobs in this area are all good aligned, so the protection spell is of no use here. Efreeti's are the only aggressives in the area, and they are sentinal. Most if not all the mobs are sancted, and hit quite hard, but the non-aggressives will flee after sustaining about 50% damage, so web or, preferably, subzero pond is needed to kill them quickly (note that you will not gain any exp if you use subzero pond.)

The items found on the mobs in this area are targeted mainly for good aligned fighter types. The opening of this area saw huge number of warriors going from satanic to angelic to obtain extremely high damage rolls. Since the opening of the Caverns, the items in Airy have lost their top ranking, but still remain attractive to many as they are all repop items, as opposed to reboot for the items in the Caverns.



Xeron's The viewable maps for the Air Citidel also had the following sections too: but we don't have maps images for them yet

  • North and South Towers
  • East and West Towers



Some of the more useful items found here are:

  • Holy Sphere of Defense
  • Bones of the Djinni
  • Celestial Orb
  • Emblem of a Pentagram
  • Emerald Pendant
  • Sorcerer's Spectacles

Bones of the Djinni are the best available +damage and +mana armor for the 'about waist' position. The perm stone skin given by this item provides a total ac of -37, a noteworthy addition to it's damage and mana. This item is found in the possession of Djinni in the Air Citidel.

Here is what an "identify" spell typically reveals about this item:

Object 'bones djinni' is type armor, extra flags glow hum anti-evil anti-neutral.
Weight is 2, value is 5555, level is 102.
Armor class is 7.
Worn:Takeable Waist
Affects damage roll by 6.
Affects mana by 300.
Affects hit roll by -15.

The Celestial Orb is currently the best holdable item in the game for +damage. It it available only to characters of good alignment (350 or higher). Celestial Spirits in the Air Citidel carry this piece of equipment.

Here is what an "identify" spell typically reveals about this item:

Object 'celestial orb' is type armor, extra flags glow hum dark invis magic anti-evil anti-neutral.
Weight is 2, value is 5555, level is 90.
Armor class is 3.
Worn:Takeable Hold
Affects hit roll by 12.
Affects mana by 100.
Affects damage roll by 12.

The Emblam of Pentagram is the highest +dam item available for the 'on arms' position. It is usable by any non-neutral character. This item is carried by the Lord of the Air, also know as Satan, in the Air Citidel.

Here is what an "identify" spell typically reveals about this item:

Object 'emblem pentagram' is type armor, extra flags hum dark invis magic anti-neutral.
Weight is 2, value is 5555, level is 95.
Armor class is 6.
Worn:Takeable Arms
Affects damage roll by 8.
Affects hp by 50.

The Emerald Pendant is similar to the Square Scarf, but trades 1 +damage for a considerable increase in spell resistance. This angelic-only items is found on Efreeti, in the Air Citidel.

Here is what an "identify" spell typically reveals about this item:

Object 'emerald pendant' is type armor, extra flags glow hum anti-evil anti-neutral.
Weight is 2, value is 20000, level is 95.
Armor class is 9.
Worn:Takeable Neck
Affects save vs spell by -15.
Affects mana by 100.
Affects damage roll by 9.

Sorcerer Spectacles allow neutral characters to see characters and mobs hidden by any means, except for cameleon. They provide the affect of the spell 'real vision' for those classes that lack it, and for neutrals whom cannot wear thermal blindfolds. This item is carried by the Griffon in the Air Citidel. Use caution when taking them from him as he is among the hardest hitting mobs in the game.

Here is what identify reveals about this item:

Object 'sorcerer's spectacles' is type armor, extra flags glow hum dark anti-good anti-evil.
Weight is 2, value is 5555, level is 97.
Armor class is 10.
Worn:Takeable Eyes
Affects detect evil by 18.
Affects detect invis by 19.
Affects detect magic by 20.
Affects detect hidden by 44.
Affects infravision by 77.