Sailing south along the River Urd, as one passes the great drawbridge of
the Emerald Highway, the forest of Enclave slowly comes into view. A
favorite outing of the Mydgaardian people, Enclave is a quiet home to many
an orc. Beware the hunter, though, as they do cherish their peace.

                |    |                               Urd
                +----+-o--+               Newbie   1 River
                |    |                    Cottage  |
                +----+-o--+         +----+    2-->-+----+----+
                     |              |    |                   |
                     +              +----+----+----+         +              +
                     |              |         |    |         |              |
 +----+----+    +--o-+--x-+         |         +    +----+----+----+----+----+
 |    |    |              |         |              |         |              |
 +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+    +              |
 |    |    |                             |    |              |              +
 +----+----+              Upper          +    +----+----+----+              |
                          Level 3        |         |                        |
                                 x       +-<--+----+----+----+              +
                                  +                                         |
                                   \                                        |

1 = The Urd River {all}

2 -The Newbie Cottage {1-17}

3 - Enclave (upper level) {5-15}

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps