Ages ago, before the great clan CORPS took over the city of Thrull, it was
a true mess. Dead bodies lined the streets, rot and decay were everywhere.
As the clan instituted a policy of cleanliness, the rats that had infested
the city were push further and further back, until finally, they were swept
beneath the city, in the one vile place left.

     +----+           +                     1 Thrull
     |    |           |       Newbie       o
+----+----+           +      Cottage 2-->-+         +    +    +
     |    |\          |                   |         o    o    o
+----+----+ +----+----+----+----+----+----+-o--+----+----+----+----+----+-x--+
     |    |                     |         |         o    o
     +    +                +----+    +--o-+-o--+    +    +
                           |              |
                           +         +--o-+-o--+
                           |             /
                           +      +      |
                                 /       |
                                +        |
              _________________/|        |
             /                  |        |
            +              +--o-+-o--+   |
            |                   |        |
       +--x-+-x--+         +--o-+-o--+   |
            |                   |        |
            +              +--o-+-o--+   |
            |                   |        |
       +--x-+----+              | _______/
                 |              |/
            +----+----+    +--o-+-o--+
                 +    +
                 |    |
                 |    |
                 +    +----+

1 = Thrull {1-50} 

2 - Anonymous Map of The Newbie Cottage {1-17}

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps