8 Beyond the North Pole | + / + | +--+ o | Segregant 7 +--+--+--+ | + | + | H | +-+ Samurai | Training + Grounds Kingdom | 11 +-+-+-+ of + University | | | Quegular | 12 + + + 6 +-+-+ | | Mountain | | | | +--+--+--+--+ +--+--+--+ +-+-+-+ +-+--+-+-+-+---+ \| | | / | + | +-+-+ + | | | 10 Olympus +-+ | / | | + + | / | | + Toll Door +-x+--+--+ | /| | | | + + + +--+ + +--+ | / | | |\|\| x | + + +--+--+ + + + 2 |/ | | | | Echoes of + 9 Cleric + +--+ + Eternity Convention | | | Bugbear +--+ 3 +--+--+ Toll Road | Obsidian Trade | +--+--+--+ Tower Path + | | Pirate's Cove 13 + 1 | | Great a--+--+--+--+--+ Ocean | | Connector +--+--+ +--4 The Ancients v | v \ | / \|/ +--+--+ Madewaska | | | Lagoon +--+--+--+ | | +--+ v | \ | \| + | + | Evica 5 Empire
1 = Great Ocean Connector {All}
2 = Echoes of Eternity {100+} [MAP NOT AVAILABLE YET]
3 = The Obsidian Tower (first Floor) {60-80}
4 = The Ancients (city of Meneua) {85+}
5 = The Evica Empire {all}
6 = Kingdom of Quegular - Entrance Area {10-40}
7 = The Segregant - Main Section {85+}
8 = Beyond the North Pole {Varies}
9 = The Cleric Convention {30-50}
10 = Olympus {70+}
11 = Samurai Training Grounds (main section) {1-100}
12 = The University {20-40}
13 =Pirate's Cove - Deck of the Ship {90-150}
room a = return point from olympus