The Bard is a new class at Mystic, created for experienced players looking for a significant challenge, yet powerful and unusual characters. Bards derive all their magical power from their instruments and wisdom gained from years of travel and story. Few Bards will be able to train in all skills available on their first attempt, but then, they are also the only class able to re-tell history. A Bard's prime stat is wisdom.

Player Review

None yet!

Patron Gods

Candor (Creator)

Spells and Abilities

Level Spell/Skill Preceding

1: ventriloquate
3: Create sound
5: soundpulse
6: blink
7: protective sound
10: faerie fire
11: detect magic
12: soundwave soundpulse
13: retell history
14:advanced cartography
15: harmonic armor
16: spirit touch
17: detect invis
18: invis detect invis
18: Haggle
19: brothers in arms
20: shadowrealm
22: know object
24: soundblast soundwave
26: persuade Haggle
27: fly
28: detect ore
29: know age
30: age creature know age
31: terrify
31: end terrify
32: lullabye
33: harmonic weapon harmonic armor
34: power eyes
35: capture audience
35: soundbeam soundblast
36: know friend know age
37: remove curse
38: teleport
39: cymbal crash
40: word of recall
40: enhanced damage
43: advanced study
45: ultrasound
46: incite
49: know enemy know friend
51: confuse
52: resist magic
55: taunt incite
57: Fire Protection
59: real vision detect hidden
60: bardic knowledge know object
61: song of camaraderie
62: concentration advanced study
64: frost resistance
66: spellcraft
67: soothe beast
73: deflection wave resist magic
75: end deflection deflection wave
76: discord
78: sever
79: advanced soundbeam soundbeam
80: celerity refrain
84: cheat death
86: intone wisdom
89: bardic sight
90: reflection sound
93: sonic pierce
95: break spell detect magic
96: death chorus
99: spirit drain spirit touch


Level Proficiency Preceding

1: normal
1: small dagger
1: fire
1: endurance
1: hide inventory
2: short club
3: hand to hand
4: short bow
4: bow
8: dagger small dagger
9: club short club
11: short sword
11: mace
13: long bow short bow
14: small axe
15: sword short sword
15: bolt
17: chain
19: knife
20: axe small axe
22: long bolt bolt
23: spear knife
24: long knife knife
24: long club club
26: rapier
26: patch
29: crossbow long bow
31: hammer mace
33: blade knife
41: claw sword