The following clans are no longer active.

See information about the current clans

Crystal Talon, Defenders of the Shire

Short Name Crystal
Home City The Shire
Mortal Leader Diana (formerly Kitiera)
2nd in Command Torain
Home Page or
Membership Open to all
Multi-Clan Frowned upon
Notes No minimum level at this time

Folx of the North

Short Name IceFolx
Home City Stratz
Mortal Leader Allen (formerly Jump)
2nd in Command -
Home Page -
Membership Level 20+ all classes and races welcome
Multi-Clan Not allowed
Notes Must be level 20 to apply, enjoy challenges and possess a desire to learn the mud. Send a note on personal to the clan.

Oracles of Merry Laughter

Short Name Oracle
Home City Olympus (new)
Mortal Leader Zaru & Whig
2nd in Command -
Home Page
Membership Primarily Angelic
Multi-Clan Allowed - after approval
Notes Interested parties should send a note on Personal to *{Oracle}* _after_ checking out our website. Admission is selective.

The Way of Heaven and Earth - Tenchido

Short Name Tenchido
Home City Akaikiku
Mortal Leader Herko
2nd in Command -
Home Page
Membership Open to all
Multi-Clan not allowed
Notes Tenchido represents knowledge and the pursuit of enlightenment. A quest is necessary for entry into the clan and all applicants must be level 20 or higher.

Adventurers of the Land (aka DuCampos)

Short Name DuCampos
Home City Kerofk
Mortal Leader Migthor
2nd in Command Astrya
Home Page
Membership Open to all
Multi-Clan Allowed, but DuCampos primary
Notes Clan motto: "Decus, Fidelity, ac Rimor" (Honor, Loyalty, and Adventure). Address notes to DuCampos You must be level 20 to apply, complete clan quest, and must possess cartography skills 


This clan is unusual in that their home city is not one of the temple cities! dID kEROFK used to be a temple city i the past? Du Campos is French for "from the fields".



 The Protector's Clan
