Donated to Oyg's map collection by Xthirsis.

         +    +    +                        |              +         +
         |   /|    |                        |              |         |
         +  2 +    +    +              +----+----+    +----+---------+
         |    |    |    |                   |              |         |
         +----+----+----+              +--x-+-x--+    +----+---------+----+
                   |                        |              |         |
                   +                        +              +----+    +
                   |                                            |
                   +                                            +
                   |                                            |
                   +                        +----+----+----+----+
                   |                        |         |
         +         +              +         +         +
         |         |              |         |         |
         |                   |
         +                   +
                   |         |
                   +         +         +----+----+
                   |         |                   |
    +----+----+----+    +----+---------+----+----+
    |              |                             |
    +    +----+----+                        +----+
    |                                            |
    + +--+----+----+----+              +         +
    | |                 |              |         |
    + +                 +----+----+----+    +--x-+----+
     \|                               /          |
      +                              1      +--x-+
                                 Isle of         |
                                  Quake     +--x-+

1 = The Isle of Quake (main section) {all}
2 = Kasshyyk - Lower Level {90-130}

Xeron also put together a guide and some nice graphical maps for Kasshyyk. Check out Xeron's info about Kasshyyyk, the Land of the Wookies here.

Key to Mystic Adventure ASCII Maps